Trois comptes Instagram à suivre #17 - Debongout

Three Instagram accounts to follow #17

Like every month, we tell you about our favorite Instagram accounts . The first immerses us in a magical universe with personal photos, each more dazzling than the other, the second promises some (very good) professional advice and the last makes us discover the pretty brands to know... Everything you need to create the perfect decoration . Aurélie, Charlotte and Perrine also give us their definition of good taste, and we really like their little words.

Lili in Wonderland , a universe that makes you dream

When we discovered this account, we loved the harmony that emanates from it. A soft, delicate and poetic universe whose colors and small details are perfectly mastered. Aurélie shares with us her daily inspirations, her decorative favourites, her travel memories and the beautiful addresses to know. And to see even more, Lili in Wonderland is also a blog!

Good taste according to Aurélie : In my opinion, good taste is above all a subjective decoration that echoes one's own personality . This can go through small details, associations, strong pieces that will create harmony and which together reflect who we are deeply.

Charlotte Gille , professional advice

Charlotte, Parisian decorator and interior designer, shares with us her achievements, her moodboards, her decorative inspirations as well as site monitoring as progress is made. She also likes to highlight French designers and creators over the course of her discoveries. We pick out good decorative ideas, simple and always well thought out .

Good taste according to Charlotte : Good taste is in the details, paying attention to the little things which, at first glance, may not matter but which in the end will make all the difference. Good taste is knowing how to play with harmonies, with colors and materials . Working on an atmosphere as a whole, a whole.

31m2 , inspiration for all

Behind 31m2 hides Perrine, who shares all her decorative inspirations with us. From the cozy bedroom to the designer kitchen and the not-to-be-missed rattan armchair, there's something for everyone . Each photo posted is also accompanied by brands or designers where you can find the different decoration nuggets... Very practical!

Good taste according to Perrine : For me, good taste is finding the right balance between too much and not enough, the timeless that will last over time and that will transcend generations, it is the piece that fits anywhere, regardless of style or season and makes us happy looking at it.