Rencontre avec Apolline Thibault, illustratrice romantique - Debongout

Meeting with Apolline Thibault, romantic illustrator

Every month now, we offer you Home tours and Stories. The first to meet you and share our favorite interiors with you. The second in order to make you discover the craftsmen and other creators with whom we work. A way to get to know each other better and to reveal a little more about Debongout.

Today, we meet Apolline Thibault , who signed the eponymous illustrations for our new Lovers collection . This young jack-of-all-trades, always passionate about drawing and photography, invites us into her little Parisian cocoon. She tells us about her inspirations and tells us about her way of creating . In her style as much as in her tastes, Apolline has this little something sweet and distinguished, which fully corresponds to the Debongout universe, and that's why we loved collaborating with her.

Apollo, who are you? What are you doing ?

I am Apolline Thibault, I have been a photographer, illustrator and content creator on Instagram for 2 years now. I started studying law, but due to a health problem, I had to stop for a year in order to follow my treatments. I then did a photography school. During the confinement, the photo was a bit at a standstill so I went back to drawing which I have liked since I was very young. I now do all three!

Where does this desire to do so many different things come from?

It's not a simple desire, it's just that I don't put up any barriers. We are in a society that puts us in boxes and in which we should do only one thing… I do what I want to do, as I want to do. I am a very creative person, I like to express myself in different ways. And for me, photography and drawing are arts that are complementary .

How do you find your ideas? What are your inspirations?

I find my ideas and my inspirations everywhere. I love the photographers Man Ray, Peter Lindbergh, Viviane Maier, Irving Penn… And in illustrations Cocteau, Picasso, Hopper, Frida Kahlo… I also draw a lot of inspiration from everyday life , on Instagram… There is no limit to inspiration!

What are your favorite themes/colors?

There are two themes that are recurring in my illustrations: femininity and love , which I portray with colors that are always either very warm or soft. I really like working around these themes, which for me are important and decisive in a woman's life.

What do you like about the concept of Debongout?

I had a vintage thrift store for over a year. I love vintage, I love old things, the 70s, the 80s... I love antiquing and I really liked Debongout's concept of offering both new and vintage . In an interior, I like to combine the two. It really looked like my apartment, with vintage pieces, unique pieces made by craftsmen… I found the concept really cool!

Why did you like the idea of ​​a collaboration?

I found that my illustrations fit well into Debongout's universe with this idea of ​​sweetness, melancholy , while remaining rather modern and not too old-fashioned. That's why I said yes!

What is your favorite piece from Debongout?

My favorite piece is the one I have at home: the little Zacharie stool , which is really cute. It adds a lot of character to my room. I like its small irregularities, the fact that it is unique and above all that it is made from recycled wood.

And finally, what is good taste for you?

For me, good taste is really: the less you do, the better. The more you do, the more you want to show that it's expensive… The less it works. Do not overdo it, so that it is clean and pretty, that's good taste!

Also find our portrait of Apolline Thibault in video on Youtube and on our Instagram page!