Trois comptes Instagram à suivre #30 - Debongout

Three Instagram accounts to follow #30

The three accounts to follow resume! For this 30th selection, we loved the pretty posts from three Instagrammers. Through their posts, we travel inside them, discovering their daily lives and their inspirations . A beautiful mix that we want to observe every day! Are you ready to discover them? Let's go !

alicia_hsx , a mom fan of interior decoration

With her publications, Alicia ( alicia_hsx on Instagram) immerses us in her universe and her daily life as a mom passionate about decoration. Works, new purchases, reorganization of rooms... This fan of well-thought-out decoration always finds THE right idea to enhance her interior ! A simple, minimalist decor that evolves with her children, this is the atmosphere that Alicia loves to find in her home. We also fell in love with the pretty photos of her two adorable sons. A sweetness of life that we love to observe every day in our Instagram feed!

Good taste according to Alicia : I would say that no one has the same definition of good taste, there are so many different styles and personalities that we cannot all have the same expectations in terms of decoration. For my part, I think that it is necessary above all to have a harmonious cocoon in which one feels good. It's no use taking refuge in an atmosphere, a style that doesn't suit us just because it's fashionable, but we can always draw inspiration from it. Good taste for me means looking for our values ​​in decorative objects, colors and furniture that look like us, while keeping a certain elegance.

ateliermirabelle , a fan of decoration and drawing

On her ateliermirabelle Instagram account, Claire inspires us with her sweet mix of publications. She shares with us the decoration of her interior, and does not hesitate to tell us about her DIYs which bring a certain cachet to the room . An interior that evolves with the seasons and her desires, here is Claire's watchword when it comes to her decoration. When she is not at home, it is in story that she publishes her vacation photos. And for some time, we can also find his pretty drawings which perfectly complement the rest of his account!

Good taste according to Claire : In decoration, I would say that good taste means respecting the rules without respecting them! It's having fun by mixing styles, materials and colors. It's all about paying attention to the overall rendering. Like the pieces of a puzzle, colorful and full of details, which come together to form a harmonious whole: a beautiful image!

art_cora_ , a mum'entrepreneur passionate about renovation

Behind the art_cora_ account, we introduce you to Coralie, a mum'entrepreneur who completely renovated a family home. Through her posts, she shares with us the progress of the work in her image. A sober, refined decoration, and which contains a lot of DIY that she does not hesitate to share with her subscribers. Table, cardboard furniture or even a painting, Coralie does not lack inspiration to renew her interior. Recently, she embarked on a new challenge: renovating a van to go on vacation on the roads with her little family. We love it!

Good taste according to Coralie : Good taste for me? It is the art of mixing materials. Choose natural and sober materials such as wood, stone, linen. Ventilate the spaces and keep furniture that makes us happy when looking at them.