Trois comptes Instagram à suivre #22 - Debongout

Three Instagram accounts to follow #22

This week, we offer you a good dose of inspiration with three Instagram accounts that we particularly like. Our guests of the week amaze us every day with their publications, each more inspiring than the next. A "jungle house" that is worth the detour, a soft universe that smells of Provence, decorative details full of charm ... Beautiful discoveries, which we hope you will also like!

la_fargeseraie_renovee , jungle in the middle of the city

Through her photos, Marielle shows us her house, and what a house! A completely renovated building from the 1930s, which has become a haven of peace in the middle of a lush garden. A metamorphosis from the inside but also from the outside, transformed into a real rustic and exotic jungle. In terms of layout, a clever mix of vintage and modernity that creates a superb universe. We won't tell you more… except that this Fargeseraie (in reference to the many Fargesias planted in the garden) is really worth the detour!

Good taste according to Marielle : This question is almost philosophical! Everyone thinks they have "good taste" and I find that quite amusing. Because even if we have "bad taste", we don't know the extent of his art. However, I believe in a certain "universalism to judge what is beautiful", which amounts to saying that "good taste" is not so personal as that but meets standards. , new life in Provence

Recently settled in Provence, Léolia shares her new life with us in the middle of nature. We love the peaceful and relaxing atmosphere that emerges from his photos, the pretty summer colors and the little decorative ideas to steal (like this superb farmhouse door headboard). An account to follow to travel in the south while staying at home!

once upon a time macabane , vintage in the spotlight

On her Instagram account, Natacha invites us to discover her family home, from the entrance to the living room through the children's room. A universe full of sweetness where the antique pieces (in number) find their place alongside the few new objects. We are completely a fan of this mix of styles which creates a universe in which we would spend an afternoon daydreaming!

Good taste according to Natacha : How to define good taste? Does it exist elsewhere and how to differentiate it from bad taste? What I like in decoration is the mixture of styles, matching the old with the more contemporary. What seems essential to me is never to distort the existing, to preserve the charm of yesteryear as much as possible while creating a decoration that is up to date, soft and poetic.