Trois comptes Instagram à suivre #21 - Debongout

Three Instagram accounts to follow #21

Summer is finally here, hot and sunny as we like it. This is the perfect opportunity to tell you this time about three rather special Instagram accounts. This week, make way for exceptional places! Three places that smell good of summer and hot sand, where we would like more than anything to put down our suitcases for a few days. In Puglia, on the island of Menorca or in the south of France… these accounts make us dream and travel from home.

masseriamoroseta , modern farmhouse with a view

Amid country roads and olive groves, a white stone farmhouse stands on the ridge, overlooking the sea and Ostuni. You have arrived at your destination! Masseria Moroseta carries with it all the tradition of the most typical farmhouses of Puglia : blinding white, sheltered courtyards, arches, cement tiles and stone. In terms of layout and decoration, simplicity is in the spotlight. We like to follow this account for the pictures of the peaceful atmosphere that reigns there. And also to hear from Pablo, Beppe and Angelina, the three adorable English bulldogs.

menorcaexperimental , artist holiday home

Housed in an old 19th century finca on 30 hectares of land, Menorca Experimental has retained this authenticity and cultivates the spirit of an artist's holiday home. The colors of olive wood and natural leather are complemented by a palette inspired by the skies of Menorca: from pale blue and golden yellow in the early morning to the bright orange tones of the sunset. On this account, a little taste of what awaits you if you want to go explore the Balearic Islands. , the sea for only vis-à-vis

"Here, no border, rooms, restaurant, rocky beach and sunken fathoms form a unit". That's enough to make you want to join the Tuba Club for a short stay in Marseille! The rooms here are minimalist, very natural, infused with simplicity. Through the windows, the harbor of Marseille stretches its palette of unique colors . Decorative details, sea view and yellow and white striped deckchairs, small dishes to die for... On this Instagram account, you will discover a few little snippets of this beautiful universe, just enough to make us want to change our holiday destination!